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What some happy tennis students say:  

Miscarriage and Mental Health

We cannot erase memories nor avoid loss, but the complications incited by grief and trauma can be dealt with effectively. Like the body, the brain can heal.

The Landscape of Grief

Here is where it all begins.  You have suffered a heartbreaking loss and it may feel as though you live on a new planet now.  Let's start by talking about grief. Let's map out the new terrain.     



Pregnancy After Loss

Now it's time to try again.  Step 1: conceive.  Step 2: survive your next pregnancy with your heart and mind intact.  This is where joy and hopefulness meet fear and angst.  Let's talk honestly about how complex this whole process really is.  Let's set out some strategies to tip the scales in favour of joy and hopefulness.



Recurrent Loss

Your path to parenthood has been paved with multiple losses.  Your calendar is filling up with lost due dates and sad memories of hospital visits.  The days of a first trimester feel like an eternity.  Facebook taunts you with news of prolific uteri from coworkers, friends, and childhood classmates.  The future seems bleak yet not without hope...           


Coming Soon.... 





the capacity to recover from difficulties; toughness.

Losing a pregnancy transported you to new terrain.  It's really tough here. But guess what? We'll find the strength to adapt, plant new roots, and best of all.... thrive. This leg of the journey is about building the capacity to survive soul-crushing loss and (on our better days) find meaning and hope amid the grief.

For Partners

You are her support and her shoulder to cry on. Your heart breaks with hers and yet your grief is often invisible to others.  A collection of useful articles for dads, moms, husbands, lesbian, bi, and trans partners too!         


For Family and Friends

For moms and dads. For sisters and cousins. For coworkers and cherished baristas. And (of course!!) for BFFs. Ideas and inspiration... 



Keep up to date with current research and news items related to miscarriage and pregnancy loss.  

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